We have a television show called "American Idol" and it fascinates me. The idea is to find a Superstar amongst the many obscure talented performers who audition to be on the show. After culling through thousands of applicants, viewers of the show have the ability to vote for their favorite entertainer. Over the series' season, the audience becomes more and more invested in their Superstar performer. It is a reality show where viewers take part in choosing an American Idol of pop culture.
Unlike this show, we don't intend to make things our idols. Over time we find the process just happens. It could be people we start to admire. It could be our health, our wealth, our beauty, our family, our cars, our homes or even worse, our animals. We start to give the object of our attention more and more of our thoughts and affection. It no longer becomes a person or place in our lives...it becomes our life!
But, the thing that rattles my heart and mind is what God said about idols in the Ten Commandments, "I am the Lord your God...you shall have no other gods before me. You shall not make for yourself an idol in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. You shall not bow down to them or worship them..." IF we take those words to heart, we must decide what 'worship them' means. In order to worship something, the worshiper must give the object an elevated status. It must be worthy to adore, honor and praise. And when we have found something or someone to put that amount of effort into, we have given 'it' our heart. We have heard it said, "Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." And though some of the things we give our attention to are good things, we are prone to put too much of our heart into their outcome.
What consumes most of your thoughts? What do you find yourself serving? Is it your lifestyle, your bank account, your family prodigy, your self? God's word says 'you shall not' because His desire is that you love Him first. No one can serve two masters. When you do try to serve both, you find yourself divided...you are loyal to one and despise the other. I found a great commentary on Israel's role to God in www.enduringword.com while studying Isaiah 41:8-16:
"But you, Israel, are My servant," In contrast to the God-rejecting and idol-making people in distant lands, Israel - remember the name means, “Governed by God” - Israel is the servant of the LORD. A servant of God would never make God into his own image, his own idea of what God should be. Servants don’t tell their masters what to do, or what to be. Servants know who the master is and who the servant is."
The television show is an excellent example of how slippery the slope can be when we begin to travel down the wrong path in our journey of faith with the God of Israel. What is starting to take up your attention lately? How difficult is it for you to turn away from it, put it down, shut if off, not pick it up, or even stop? There is a fine line between what is good and what is not. We are warned to be mindful of this trajectory toward idolatry. The attention we want to pour into serving others can even become tainted with self-promotion. Would you consider the First Commandment of God as His way of speaking to you today? If so, you will find Him able to help you turn away from that which wants to steal your attention from Him.
Read and Pray.
Unlike this show, we don't intend to make things our idols. Over time we find the process just happens. It could be people we start to admire. It could be our health, our wealth, our beauty, our family, our cars, our homes or even worse, our animals. We start to give the object of our attention more and more of our thoughts and affection. It no longer becomes a person or place in our lives...it becomes our life!
But, the thing that rattles my heart and mind is what God said about idols in the Ten Commandments, "I am the Lord your God...you shall have no other gods before me. You shall not make for yourself an idol in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. You shall not bow down to them or worship them..." IF we take those words to heart, we must decide what 'worship them' means. In order to worship something, the worshiper must give the object an elevated status. It must be worthy to adore, honor and praise. And when we have found something or someone to put that amount of effort into, we have given 'it' our heart. We have heard it said, "Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." And though some of the things we give our attention to are good things, we are prone to put too much of our heart into their outcome.
What consumes most of your thoughts? What do you find yourself serving? Is it your lifestyle, your bank account, your family prodigy, your self? God's word says 'you shall not' because His desire is that you love Him first. No one can serve two masters. When you do try to serve both, you find yourself divided...you are loyal to one and despise the other. I found a great commentary on Israel's role to God in www.enduringword.com while studying Isaiah 41:8-16:
"But you, Israel, are My servant," In contrast to the God-rejecting and idol-making people in distant lands, Israel - remember the name means, “Governed by God” - Israel is the servant of the LORD. A servant of God would never make God into his own image, his own idea of what God should be. Servants don’t tell their masters what to do, or what to be. Servants know who the master is and who the servant is."
The television show is an excellent example of how slippery the slope can be when we begin to travel down the wrong path in our journey of faith with the God of Israel. What is starting to take up your attention lately? How difficult is it for you to turn away from it, put it down, shut if off, not pick it up, or even stop? There is a fine line between what is good and what is not. We are warned to be mindful of this trajectory toward idolatry. The attention we want to pour into serving others can even become tainted with self-promotion. Would you consider the First Commandment of God as His way of speaking to you today? If so, you will find Him able to help you turn away from that which wants to steal your attention from Him.
"They turned from idols to serve the living and true God." (1 Thessalonians 1:9)
Read and Pray.