We have been in some difficult places over the year...but the Lord has been extremely gracious and freed us from chains that would bind. We desired to stay faithful yet have at times failed, but our God remained most Faithful.
We remember the chronicles of Daniel (from 605 B.C.) who desired to be faithful to his God in a culture where they worshiped many gods, but not the God of Israel. Daniel was known to be insightful, intelligent, and outstanding in wisdom, and having the spirit of 'the holy gods in him'. But, because he did not worship the king alone, he was thrown into the den of lions.
The King of Cyrus liked Daniel. He didn't want to send him to the lions den, but a law that he wrote earlier needed to be upheld. He told Daniel he hoped that the God, whom Daniel served continually, would rescue him! And when the evening passed, the king went to see how Daniel fared.
Daniel was steadfast in his faith, and God chose to send his angel who shut the mouths of the lions. And so it turned out that Daniel would not get hurt. When the king awoke and saw that Daniel was alive, King Darius wrote to all the peoples, nations and men of every language:
"I issue a decree that in every part of my kingdom people must fear and reverence the God of Daniel. For He is the living God and He endures forever; his kingdom will not be destroyed, and his dominion will never end. He rescues and saves; He performs signs and wonders in the heavens and on the earth. He has rescued Daniel from the power of the lions."
So this is the story that we remember for 2011. God rescued Daniel from the pit. And how by His Grace, Goodness, and Generosity of Spirit, He rescued us too.
What do you need rescuing from this year? The God of Daniel is the same God who deserves our worship and praise today. He still rescues and saves his people. He is still desiring to see our trust in Him. If you don't trust Him, how will He ever prove to you that He is the living God?
Didn't My Lord Deliver Daniel?
Traditional Negro Spiritual
Written By: Unknown
Copyright Unknown
Didn't my Lord deliver Daniel,
Deliver Daniel, deliver Daniel?
Didn't my lord deliver Daniel,
Then why not a every man?
Deliver Daniel, deliver Daniel?
Didn't my lord deliver Daniel,
Then why not a every man?
He delivered Daniel
From the lion's den,
And Jonah from the belly of the whale,
And the Hebrew children
From the fiery furnace,
Then why not every man?
Didn't my Lord deliver Daniel,
Deliver Daniel, deliver Daniel?
Didn't my lord deliver Daniel,
Then why not a every man?
I set my foot
On the gospel ship,
And the ship it begin to sail,
And it landed me over
On Canaan's shore,
And I'll never come back anymore.
Didn't my Lord deliver Daniel,
Deliver Daniel, deliver Daniel?
Didn't my lord deliver Daniel,
Then why not a every man?