"And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him."
It is a three fold admonition with a promise. You need faith to please God. You must believe that he exists. And believe that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.
Let's make sure we know more about what pleases God...it is not an act of service in your church or nursing home or school or family gathering or anything that makes you work at getting approval. No. It is believing that He exists. The bible starts with the words, 'In the beginning, God created...' so that is where faith starts. Believing that God was there in the beginning of the creation of the World and that He is the Creator.
It takes faith to believe. Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. Were any of us there in the beginning? Nope! But, if you ask Him in prayer today He will show you in a very personal way that He was there.
And if we respond to the faith and begin to believe, it takes root in our heart. And it begins to show us that we have a problem. Ungodliness. Things in our life that don't please God. And we must believe Him for even more than His existence.
An anointed word was given to the nation of Israel about the need and promise of a coming Savior. Isaiah, God's Prophet, foretold that God would send the sign of a virgin woman who would be with child and give birth, and we would call that child Immanuel - which means God with us.
says that God so loved the World that he sent his one and only son to
it to save the world from sin and ungodliness. And that whoever
believes in the Son will be saved from their sinful choices and patterns
and spend eternity with God.
Was Jesus called Immanuel? God with us? Yes. By the multitudes who met him, walked with him, saw him die and saw his resurrection. And by all today who believe because of those eye witness accounts in the holy scriptures that pointed to Him and the signs that accompanied those words. And the signs that still point to him today. He was with us then and with us now for all who believe.
And if you believe, you will be rewarded. But let's look at that reward...it will not always be financial or relational (as in desiring a committed relationship with a certain person) or material or physical or emotional. No. It is receiving the reward of knowing that He knows you and has called you His Child. And then, when you come into a relationship with Him, you will see your desires begin to line up more with His desires. And He desires to give you the desires of your heart. He says his reward is with Him and he will give to everyone according to what he has done. It is a future reward. Though we have many heavenly blessings on earth too!
God is faithful. He has prompted all in one way or another to seek after Him. No one is without excuse of seeking after Him. No one.
So what have you done with the promptings of God to believe in Him? In the whole counsel of God's Word? In what ARE you putting your faith? In what do you really believe? And from where do you want your rewards to come? From this world alone or from a future hope in the Everlasting God who loves you with outstretched arms and desires to draw you to him with cords of lovingkindness?
Without faith it is impossible to please God because anyone who comes to him must believe he exists! And those who earnestly seek Him, will be rewarded.
Hebrews 11:6, Genesis 1:1, Isaiah 7:13-14, John 3:16, Matthew 1:21-23, Hebrews 11:1, Psalm 37:4, Romans 1:20, Psalm 57:10, Revelation 22:12