Monday, April 16, 2012

Understand the times...

By Christine Wyrtzen


Besides this you know the time, that the hour has come for you to wake from sleep. For salvation is nearer to us now than when we first believed. Romans 13:11

         Am I fully awake? Has God caused my spiritual senses to arise out of twilight sleep? Like one who drives a ten-hour trip, I can numb out and not recall the last four hours of the trip. Unaware of the scenery. Unaware of traffic. Just marking time and watching the mile markers change. 'You know the time' has biblical history. Oh, how I can't afford to miss it. It's not about eschatology either.
         In Matthew 16, the Jewish leaders came to Jesus and asked for a sign, a sign that would confirm who He was and that what He was saying was true. Jesus was firm that there were signs all around them but they refused to see them.
         An even better understanding of this phrase comes from I Chronicles 12. When David was king at Hebron, a group of warriors came to his aid. (The men of Issachar predominantly.) They are described as those 'who understood the times and knew what Israel should do.' Is there anything better than keeping company with those who are spiritually astute, who know the mind and heart of God and are able to interpret the times and events! I shouldn't have to rely on those who have a prophetic gifting to understand God's heart on a matter. Yes, they possess a keen sense of God's thinking on issues but that wisdom is available to all who seek Him and seek the truth.
         'Wake me up!' is what I'm praying. I don't want to be like someone who is falling asleep; slowly ceasing to hear the creaking in the floors and the din of noise from the other room. I want to put off the mindset of the world, which is hard to do if I'm on their journey of moral and spiritual decline. If Jesus were to step into my world today, read the headlines, watch the news, visit a local school, how would He react to the spiritual condition of my city, my church, my children, my home life, my marriage, and to me - most of all? Would He tell me to wake up or would He just hone my present skills and make me a more effective watchman on the wall? I don't want to assume it's the latter. I'm asking Him about it and making sure my own sin isn't numbing out my spiritual senses.

I bind my mind to your mind. Amen


Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Look and Live

When we are sick and told to do something that is good for us, we tend to bristle at the direction.  Go to bed early. Flood your system with Vitamin C.  Drink plenty of water.  Don't go to work - let your body rest.  Eat well.  How do you respond to these directives?  My husband tells me I am the WORST patient. He also manages to mention that perhaps it is my running on empty that may have allowed me to get sick. Ugh...more information than I want to hear!

We can only imagine what the Israelites felt like when God told them to look at a bronze serpent that Moses was instructed to make. It would be the source of healing for the people who were bitten by real serpents  in the desert.  They were dying all over the place from venom of the serpents and God was telling them to look at a fake bronze serpent!  And yet, if they did not do what He said, they would surely die.  Do you know that some refused to do it?  I can be just as stiff-necked.

Today's devotional in  the Check Book of the Bank of Faith by Charles H. Spurgeon rang my bell.  Hope it rings yours too.

                                    Look and Live

"And the Lord said unto Moses, Make thee a fiery serpent, and set it upon a pole: and it shalt come to pass, that everyone that is bitten, when he looketh upon it, shall live." (Numbers 21:8)

This is a glorious gospel type. Jesus, numbered with the transgressors, hangs before us on the cross. A look to Him will heal us of the serpent-bite of sin; will heal us at once -- "When he looketh upon it, he shall live." Let the reader who is mourning his sinfulness note the words -- "Everyone that looketh upon it shall live." Every looker will find this true. I have found it so. I looked to Jesus and lived at once, I know I did. Reader, if you look to Jesus you will live, too. True, you are swelling with the venom, and you see no hope. True, also there is no hope but this one. But this is no doubtful cure -- "Everyone that is bitten, when he looketh upon it, shall live."

The brazen serpent was not lifted up as a curiosity to be gazed upon by the healthy; but its special purpose was for those who were "bitten." Jesus died as a real Savior for real sinners. Whether the bite has made you a drunkard, or a thief, or an unchaste or a profane person, a look at the great Savior will heal you of these diseases and make you live in holiness and communion with God. Look and live.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

The Glory of Israel Lives!
"Arise, shine, for your light has come and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you.  For behold, darkness shall cover the earth, and thick darkness over the peoples; but the Lord will arise upon you, and his glory will be seen upon you. And nations shall come to your light and kings to the brightness of your rising."   Isaiah the prophet spoke to Israel and the Nations that their Glory was to come from Zion.
Two thousand plus years later, Simeon, a righteous and devote Jew said to the Lord in the presence of the infant Jesus, "for my eyes have seen your salvation that you have prepared in the presence of all peoples,  a light for revelation to the Gentiles, and for glory to your people Israel.” 

This day commemorates the Resurrection of Messiah. For Gentiles, He is our light.  Is He your light?  If not, you are walking in darkness. For Israel, He is their glory.  Is He your glory?  If not, in what do you glory? 

references: Isaiah 60:1-3,  Luke 2:30-32

Thursday, April 5, 2012

A Dinner Date

Friends of ours are moving.  We met them about 4 years ago and they helped us through a special season in our lives. The decision to move came somewhat quickly.  So, we say good bye until our paths cross again.  We are not sure when that will be, but as followers of the Messiah Jesus, we have a future dinner date planned. If we don't see them here, I know we will see them there!  Farewell dear friends.  May God bless your pilgrimage and the work of your hands.

                                         World's Longest Table

On Sunday, July 18, 2010, one of the busiest highways in Europe became what some called “the longest table in the world.” Officials closed a 60-kilometer (37-mile) section of the A40 Autobahn in Germany’s Ruhr region so people could walk and bicycle or sit at one of 20,000 tables set up on the roadway. An estimated 2 million people came to enjoy an event the director hoped would connect people from many cultures, generations, and nations.

This event made me think of an even grander table around which believers gather to share the Lord’s Supper. During communion, we remember Jesus’ death for us as we anticipate the culmination of history at His return.

Just before Jesus was crucified, He shared the Passover meal with His disciples, telling them, “I will not drink of this fruit of the vine from now on until that day when I drink it new with you in My Father’s kingdom” (Matt. 26:29).

The Lord’s Table unites everyone Christ has redeemed by His blood “out of every tribe and tongue and people and nation” (Rev. 5:9). One day, in a scene of reunion and joy, all who belong to Jesus will sit down together with Him at a table that will dwarf the Autobahn gathering. We joyfully anticipate sharing that table together!"

From RBC "Our Daily Bread" devotional written by David McCasland for the April 5th, 2012

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

You're Beautiful

You, yes you, are beautiful.  You are treasured, you are sacred, you are His.  Remember, it was for you He went to the cross.  He loves you.  He loves you madly, enough to die for you.  You are beautiful in His eyes.  And mine.