Monday, April 8, 2013

God Fed Him

God Fed Him
Pastor Colin Smith

The ravens brought him bread and meat...1 Kings 17:6

God provided for Elijah this way for three years. But it's striking that the birds who brought Elijah's food were ravens, because in the Old Testament God gave laws about what his people could eat, and ravens were definitely off limits!

Maybe you were taught the Bible by someone you looked up to, but later on you found out they were living a double life, and you felt robbed. It will help you to remember that God can deliver clean food through unclean birds.

Imagine meeting some people in heaven who came to faith through the apostles' ministry: One says "I was led to faith in Christ by Peter." Another says "I was led to faith by John." You see another and you ask, "What about you?" They look down: "Actually, it was Judas. I don't like to mention it."

Is that possible? Absolutely! It's the Gospel that saves, not the integrity of the person who speaks it. Are you saying integrity doesn't matter? Integrity matters-it's the reason Christ will say to many who served in ministries, "Depart from me; I never knew you."

This is a warning to the person who says, "I'm involved in ministry, and God blesses what I do, so he must be pleased with me." No one is justified by going on mission trips or by helping the poor. If you're resting your standing with God on your involvement in ministry, I urge you today to place your life under the blood of Jesus Christ. Only that can make you clean.
That's this week's LifeKey!

Colin S. Smith

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