Monday, November 15, 2010
So, this is the Word that has been churning in the depth of my heart for the last few months.
Let me just start off by telling you that there is no agenda here. You can respond with yours...but, for me this is a place to say what I must say whether or not you agree.
Read Psalm 72 and ask yourself...When did the God of Israel stop being the One True God of Israel? Where does He stop being whatever He says He is and will always be? And, if He stopped being the God of Israel - couldn't He then also stop being the God of the Nations? And if He stopped being the God of the Nations - where does that leave the world? Dead in her trespasses...if you care at all.
There is a scripture in John 16:12 where Jesus is patiently trying to teach His disciples about the coming of the Holy Spirit. He says, "I have much more to say to you, more than you can now bear."
I think that is where I need to stop now and take in that as a Gentile, I worship the God of Israel.
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