Tuesday, November 16, 2010

To know the God of Israel

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Exodus 5:1-2 "Afterward Moses and Aaron went to Pharaoh and said, “This is what the LORD, the God of Israel, says: ‘Let my people go, so that they may hold a festival to me in the wilderness.’ Pharoah said, "Who is the Lord, that I should obey him and let Israel go? I do not know the Lord and I will not let Israel go.' ”

Wanting 'to know' God has been my personal journey.  Pharaoh admitted he did not know the Lord - fair enough - he didn't - yet.  He was very busy making himself to be god to those under his jurisdiction.   But,  if you know a bit about the plagues and Red Sea crossing, it is fair to say that God brought before Pharaoh many examples and signs of Who He is and His power. God even brought a witness of Himself through the man of Moses. Has He ever done that for you?  Has He ever brought someone before you to witness or testify of God's great power and love? He has for me.  I thought they were a bit annoying at first.  Persevering with their message of Hope and Salvation.  But, there was a day that I just prayed a simple prayer, "God, what is the Truth."  And as far as I am concerned, He spoke to me through signs and people and eventually through His Holy Word.

Pharaoh can no longer stand before God and claim that he did not know God...God was faithful to show Himself to Pharaoh.  Pharoah just did not want to believe what he heard or saw.  How about you?

So, the reason this scripture leaped out at me this morning was because of my study on the term, "God of Israel" and noting that the first time it was attributed to the God of the Bible was in Exodus.  Cool.

The funny thing is I wanted to really talk to you about "knowing" God - and that is just how it works sometimes.  My mind says stay the course on one thing - the topic of the God of Israel,  but my heart has another prompting, and God combines both my heart and mind in one verse.  The Exodus passage speaks at first about the God of Israel and then of the enemy of God who doesn't know Him.  Do you know God?  Tell me how He has revealed Himself to you - I love to share the story...

We can back track a bit and discuss the name 'Israel' which was given to Jacob (Genesis 32:22-32) when God changed Jacob's name to Israel because he "struggled with God and with men and have overcome." (verse 28) The very translation of the Hebrew word, Israel, means 'he struggles with God."  In my opinion, this exchange is the essence of what God wants to do in all of us. It is the first step in getting to know Him.  It's personal wrestling with God in your desert - just like Jacob.  Growing up, I remember that I prayed to the "God of Jacob" not really knowing who or what that meant outside of religious rote prayer.  And God was so patient to draw me to know that part of Him.  He wants us to struggle with Him and seek to know Him with all our heart, mind, soul, and strength.  Then, when we seek Him, we will find Him when we seek Him with all our heart.  It worked for Jacob and God promises it will work for you too.  Pharaoh did not seek God with all his heart.  He opposed whatever was brought to him about God.  How do you respond when others share what God has shown them with you?  My responses weren't always so gracious.  Sad to say.

But, this is a journey and a forum to discuss the God of Israel.

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